Friday, April 26, 2013

My Weekend Crush

“Game of Thrones” can be an awful sausagefest sometimes. So many old and young men all jockeying for an iron throne while wielding their big swords. Overcompensation, much? And don’t get me started on all the gratuitous tits and ass – I mean I’m not totally complaining, but come on. Still the series has been able to spring to life some memorable, exciting and unconventional female heroines. Little survivor Arya Stark. Valiant knight Brienne of Tarth. And, thanks to last Sunday’s episode, the biggest badass of them all: Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, a.k.a. Daenerys Targaryen a.k.a. Khaleesi a.k.a. Mother of Dragons.

Those of us unacquainted with the books could have never guessed that the meek, white-blonde haired girl under her vicious brother’s thumb and married off like a chess piece in a power play would become the most assertive and cunning of them all. Also have I mentioned she has dragons? And she can’t be burned by fire? And will always spare the innocent? And you heard me on the dragons bit, right?

In a scene that I have now watched no fewer than a half dozen times, Daenerys ascends to her rightful place in the pantheon of badass chickens when (SPOILER ALERT: Hurry up and watch it, dude) she bests the misogynistic slave master and commandeers his slave army only to set them free and have 8,000 soldiers march willingly for her into impending battle. Also, there are dragons. In showing no mercy to those who oppress others (all of the slave masters and rulers) while ultimate compassion to those denied free will (the slave army and trainees) she is, quite literally, turns around her own life’s trajectory and comes to a place of just yet unquestionable power. My greatest hope is that is it Daenerys who gets to kill that little evil inbred putz King Joffrey. A dragon is not a slave. Daenerys is not a slave. Women need not be a slave to men’s power games in “Game of Thrones.” Say hello to quite possibly the best mic drop (by way of a whip) in TV history. Dracarys, out. Happy weekend, all.

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