Thursday, June 27, 2013

Gayzzoli Ahoy

Our totally gay non-gay gals returned this week. And I, dutifully, have returned with your Rizzoli & Isles Subtext Recaps. I do this because, well, it has to be done. Also because the show is so much more fun when you tune out the ridiculous romantic scenarios with dudes and just enjoy the chemistry between the women. Or, like at my house, have your cable suddenly cut out anytime Jane or Maura inappropriately touch and/or awkwardly touch with someone of the opposite sex. Of course, the show makes my job easy. And Angie Harmon and Sasha Alexander make it even easier. And the promo videos – be they behind the scenes of photoshoots or previews from TNT themselves – make it the easiest. I mean, come on.

Check out the season's first Gayzzoli Recap a little later today on AfterEllen. UPDATE: Read the first #Gayzzoli Recap of the season here. Just like riding a bike. A big, gay bike.

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