Friday, June 28, 2013

My Weekend Crush

Happy Pride, you great big homos you. As is my tradition, I try to feature an LGBT person, place or thing to close out Pride Month each year. Call it the fabulous finale, if you will. And this year, given the historic nature of our celebrations, I couldn’t think of just one person, place or thing to celebrate (though trust me Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Wendy Davis were close seconds). Also, I already crushed all over our hero, Edie. Instead, I thought I’d share a little of that feeling, that feeling of pride which makes it such a special, unique, rare disco butterfly of an event. Sure, there’s the partying and overconsumption of whatever you want to over consume. But there’s also the community, which is such a generic thing to say, but also true. Because what I feel most this week especially, but most weeks truly, is proud. I’m proud of us for fighting and clawing for our rights. I’m proud of us for never backing down, never settling. I’m proud of us for demanding and continuing to demand equality. I’m proud that we’ve used love – that most universal and transformative positive emotion – to changes minds. It also helps that we’re cute. So, I guess, this year my crush is on all of you. Good job, us. Happy Pride Weekend, all.

p.s. Follow me on Twitter and Instagram (dammit, yes, I have one now, too) for SF Pride posts filled with nothing but The Gay this weekend.

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